Saturday, September 12, 2009

Haotian 125-8 from Europa Trading

Buyers ought to be aware of a few problems that I've found since buying my Haotian 125-8 from Europa International.

1) You get absolutely no paperwork or manuals whatsoever. Want to know what tyre pressures are needed? Tough. Want to know what the spark plug gap should be? Hard luck. Want to know what sort of oil to put in? Nevermind, eh? This is a major oversight because most of the people buying these bikes will be beginners and have little experience of motorbikes or know what the standard measurements should be.

2) The parts promise in the write-up is false. I managed to break a basic part (rear brake pedal bracket) on mine within the first week of riding (crashed - my own stupid fault!) and when I requested the part from Europa they said they didn't have any in stock and didn't know when they were likely to get any. After chasing them for a fortnight they just kept on giving me some story about waiting for a fax from China. After this they just ignored my phone calls. I ended up getting the original, snapped part welded up, which I'm not entirely sure is safe. Matter unresolved.

3) The warranty is parts-only, so if the blasted thing conks out (as mine did last week), then unless you've got a name of a part that you need then you're on your own. I can recommend the Haynes Motorcycle Basics Techbook

Orignal From: Haotian 125-8 from Europa Trading

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