Thursday, September 3, 2009

10 Cheap Tweaks for Your Motorcycle

10 no-buck-to-low-buck tricks to help cheapskates get more miles andsmiles out of your motorcycles. Making your bike perform better doesn't have to cost a ton of money. In fact, there areways you can improve you motorcycle that don't cost a penny. Here are ten goodtweaks that aren't a free bonus freebie.
Tweak #1: Adjust your bike's suspension settings to your weight and riding styleCost: Zero (OK, maybe a beer for the friend who helps you do this)Benefit: Improved ride quality and road-holding abilityAlthough many of us wish we weighed 150 pounds (thegeneric weight most manufacturers use to set stocksuspensions), most of us fall to one side of that magicnumber, requiring a suspension adjustment to ensurethat our bike handles properly. Bikes offer varyingamounts of adjustability, but most at least have preloadadjustment for setting laden sag (the amount thesuspension compresses under rider weight) to keep thesuspension in the sweet spot during normal riding. Theprocedure goes like this: Take a measurement with the bike's suspension at fullextension (topped out), and then another measurement with you aboard in full regalia.At the front, measure along a fork leg, and at the rear measure between the axle andsome convenient bit of bodywork directly above the axle line. The difference in distancefrom topped-out to laden (by the rider) is the sag. You're shooting for 25mm to35mm

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