Sunday, August 23, 2009

Toyota Estima, Lucida and Emina Japanese imports

Having now owned 2 of these Japanese imported cars and carried out various repairs during those ownerships, I felt I should try and pass on some tips and advice on owning these highly practical cars.The range of Estimas, Lucidas and Eminas are all very similar. The difference being in the level of interior equipment, whether it is 2 or 4 wheel drive and manual or automatic.All the cars share the same bodyshell. This is based on the more common Previa. The Previa is what is commonly know an the 'wide' body and the Estimas etc as the 'narrow' body. This difference came about because of the taxation laws in Japan. The larger and wider a vehicle is the more

Orignal From: Toyota Estima, Lucida and Emina Japanese imports

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