Friday, March 30, 2012

Simvalley GT-280 GPS Tracker Quick Operating Tutorial


-Default Password: 0000 (4 zeros)
-If you sent an incorrect command, you will receive the reply "ERROR"
-Common mistakes are leaving out one of the command symbols such as the asterisk " * " or the pound sign " # "
-SMS messages from the GPS Tracker take about 5-10 seconds on average

1. Guardian Phone Setup

The first step is to setup the mobile phone that will be controlling the GPS tracker . From your phone, send the following command to the Tracker's phone number:


0000= Default 4 digit password (you can change this later)

+1= Your country code (+1 is the code in the United States)

XXXXXXXXXX= The number of the phone controlling the Tracker, including the area code

Example: If your mobile phone number is (408)123-4567 and we are using the default password "0000", the command would be:


If the command was successful, you will receive the reply:

Phone Guardian=OK

2. Password Change

To create a new password, send the command:


0000= Old default password

BBBB= New password

If the password change was successful, you will receive the reply:


Note: For the rest of the tutorial, we'll be using the default password as an example

3. Date and Time Setup

To setup the current date and time, send the command:


0000= Current Password

YYYY= Year

MM= Month

DD= The day

hh= Hour

mm= Minute

ss= Seconds

Example: To set the date as 12/16/2011 at 12:37 PM and 30 seconds, send the command:


If the date and time were set successfully, you will receive a reply with the current date and time.

Now that that's out of the way, let's get on to the fun stuff!

4. Request GPS location

To request the GPS tracker's current position, send the command:


You will receive a reply with the following data:

Lat: Current Latitude

Lon: Current Longitude

Date: Current Date

Time: Current Time

URL link to Google Maps to display the location

Note: If no GPS signal is available, the tracker will send the latest GPS coordinates and information on the location from the GSM mobile network. With the supplied tracing software, you can determine the position from the mobile network.

5. Enable Tracking

The tracking function allows you to set the time interval that you want the GPS tracker to send you its position. Send the command:


y= the time in minutes between the two locations. For example, if you enter 10, the tracker will send you its position every 10 minutes.

If successfully enabled, you will receive the reply:


6. Disable Tracking

To turn off the automatic tracking, send the command:


If successfully disabled, you will receive the reply:


7. Enable Geo-fencing

Geo-fencing is a feature that allows you to set a radius or fence for the GPS tracker. Once the tracker leaves the set radius, it will send you an SMS notification. To enable Geo-fencing, send the command:


x= radius in kilometers before the tracker notifies you

y= number of minutes that pass until the tracker rechecks the position

Note: you can also specify the radius in increments of 100 meters through a point between decimals (example: 1.3 = 1300 meters)

Example: You want to be informed as soon as your dog moves from than 500 meters from your property and you want it to check every 30 minutes. You would send the command:


If successful, it will send you a reply with your set radius and interval, along with the current location, date and time. When the tracker re-enters the defined, radius, you will not receive a notification. However, you will receive a notification when the tracker leaves the radius again.

8. Disable Geo-fencing

To disable Geo-fencing, send the command:


If successful, you will receive the reply:


9. Sleep Mode

Enable Sleep Mode

Sleep mode enables the GPS tracker to turn off the GPS and GSM to preserve battery life. You can still send commands to the tracker, but it will not read the command until the tracker is activated again. To enable Sleep Mode, send the command:


y= Interval in hours after the tracker is activated again

If successfully enabled, you will receive the reply:

Wake up = y hours

Disable Sleep Mode

To disable sleep mode, send the command:


If successfully disabled, you will receive the reply:

Sleep mode = off

10. GPS Signal Check

To check if the tracker is currently receiving a GPS signal, send the command:


If there is currently GPS signal available, you will receive the reply:


11. Retrieve Current Status

You can view the current status of the tracker to get information about the battery life, geo-fencing, tracking, sleep mode and guardian phone. To check the status, send the command:


Note: The status check is available from any phone, not just from the Guardian Phone

12. Setup Emergency Contact Numbers

Before an emergency message can be sent, you must set up to 3 emergency contact numbers which will be sent an emergency message when the SOS button is pressed.

To set the contact numbers, send the command:


XXX, YYY and ZZZ refer to the numbers of the emergency contacts. If you do not enter a number in a particular slot, it will leave the slot open or delete the number that was previously saved in that slot.

Example: Let's say you want to save 408-123-4567 and 408-765-4321 as emergency contacts and you leave the 3rd slot open. The command would be:


In this screenshot, I only added one emergency number and left the last 2 spots empty. Note the two # signs for those slots

13. Using the Emergency SOS Button

To report an emergency, hold down the SOS button for several seconds until the LED turns bright white. A text message with the current position, date, time and SOS message will immediately be sent to the registered contacts.

Here is the Bright white LED, indicating that an SOS message has been confirmed

14. Call Back Feature

In an emergency, the Guardian Phone can send a command code to the Tracker, which would enable it to automatically call the Guardian Phone and communicate through the tracker's speaker and microphone. The command for initiating callback is:


Here is the call being made from the GPS tracker

Budgeting 101 & Business Budgeting Tips

Budget is a tool for both planning and control. It is a plan when you start a small business; when you start operating your business, budget serves as a control device to help you manage the plan. When people think about budgeting, they usually think about restricting on spending money and cutting costs. That not necessary true, because budgeting is actually about planning on spending the money you have and at the same time knowing where it is going.

Why is budgeting so important?

Because it can help Small Business owner like you to determine if they have enough money to fund operations and expand the business. Without Budgeting is just like "Closing your eyes and walking on the freeway", it is so dangerous not knowing where you are spending the money, because you can easily overspend your money and that may lead to debts. When you are starting a new Small Business, Budgeting can also help you build your Business Plan, it gives you a good sense on the expense and costings.

1. Analyzing your Income

You first need to determine how much income you have. Look at your monthly income, how much are you earning on average monthly? Make sure you include other sources of income as well, such as interest, salaries and money from other places. It is crucial to estimate the income as accurately as possible

2. Analyzing your Expenses

What are your monthly expenses? Car payment, rent, insurance, debt, taxes, utilities, groceries and entertainment…etc ? Try to evaluate the money you spend and keep track of it by monthly bases. After understanding what your spending pattern is like, group your expenses into two different categories.

Fixed expenses are the kind of operating costs that charges constantly and do not change for month to month like rent, salary, utilities and loan…etc.

Discretionary Expense - Discretionary expense are the things that are unnecessary to purchase like vacation, gas, clothes, food and entertainment …etc

After dividing them into these two groups, make a list of all the necessary things you will NEED to pay and add up all the amounts.

3. Net income/ Net loss

The third step is easy, once you have gather all the information needed, you can simply subtract the expenses from the income to see if you get a positive or negative number. It is good to have a positive number, because that means you are spending less than what you have. If you have a negative number, you should start adjusting your spending/ saving as soon as possible. Think about reducing expenditures and cut down some unnecessary costs, such as: purchasing less expensive advertisment, hiring fewer employees , and purchasing unnecessary stuff…etc.

Tips - Budgeting 101

- Do not investing money in new requirements or other assets if you have not create a BUDGET

- The best way to understand your spending pattern is to look back at the past purchasing records.

- Always look to Cut Costs ( Unnecessary costs), look for new suppliers, look at more cheaper options to save money

- Make a plan to review your budget, and check often to make sure you are staying within the plan.

It is vital to make sure your business finance is on the right track, and budgeting is the most effective financial management tool available. It is so important to know where you are spending the money and how much you are spending, because it keeps your company away from debts and help reach the financial goals.

Learn Secrets Strategies and Tells of Online Poker

In live games, reading your opponents is much easier than it is online. Professionals wear sunglasses to hide any trace of emotion in their eyes. They bring I-pods and portable CD players to listen to and minimize distractions. They spend countless hours looking for tell-tale signs of a player’s strengths and weaknesses.

When you play online, you don’t have the advantage of looking into the other players’ eyes to get a read on their cards. This makes moves like bluffing significantly more precarious. It can be done, and we’ll cover that in a separate section, but you can also get some tells from your fellow players in the online poker room.

Several of the tells listed here are useful in both online and offline poker. However, since we lack the ability to read opponents’ physical expressions, these are the tells that are available to us making them that much more important.

First, let us define a “tell.” A “tell” is a habitual action by another player that gives you a clue as to what he is holding. In offline poker, a widening of the eyes is often a “tell” of a very strong hand. That is one reason you see so many poker players wearing sunglasses at the table. It’s not because of the bright Las Vegas lights.

Let’s take a look at some of the tells that are exhibited by online players and what they mean.

Speed of Play

Every online poker room has a set number of seconds that each player has to respond before he is declared either all-in or folded. Sometimes, due to internet issues, a player's actions will almost always be slow and laggy. However, often, the speed of play can be a good “tell.”

Typically, a quick bet is a sign of weakness, and a delayed action is a sign of strength, as the player is calculating his strategy with what he perceives to be a huge hand. Watch how much time it takes the other players to make their action, and mentally make a note of it. If you get a chance to see their cards at showdown, see if you can determine what they “slow bet” with and what they “fast bet” with.

Now would be a good time to think about our own play and whether or not we exhibit these tells by our speed of play. A good strategy is to try and take the same amount of time for every action, so that observant players cannot draw any conclusions from your own speed of play.

Use of Check Boxes/Auto Plays

If you have been to any of the online casinos, you will notice that they make use of check boxes such as “fold” “raise any”, or “call any”. You can tell when a player has used a check box, because his action comes within the blink of an eye of the player before him. You can use this to your advantage. When a player has checked “raise any” it should be obvious that he has a strong hand. If a player uses the check box to “check” then you can probably surmise that his hand is weak. If a player uses the check box to “call any”, then maybe we can assume that he has a draw hand that he has not completed, but is definitely not ready to fold.

While these are not 100% accurate, the observant player can over time, begin to draw conclusions and make assumptions based on an opponent’s use of the check boxes.

The fact that a player feels strongly enough about a hand to make a decision before even seeing the actions of the players before him, should be a “tell” as to what that player is holding.

Opponents Fold/Flop Percentage

While you cannot mark this percentage down exactly, you should over the course of several games get a sense of whether or not the player folds a lot of trash hands or if he is staying in almost every pot. This “tell” can be used both online and offline, to help you determine the strength of a players overall game. If he folds a lot of cards, beware. If he stays in almost every pot, you can probably run over him if you play good cards.

Chat Box

Just as in brick and mortar casinos, the “chattiness” of a player can be an obvious tell. Generally, if a player who is chatting all of a sudden gets quiet, you can bet he is playing a set of good cards. He is spending every ounce of focus on playing his cards and squeezing out the biggest pot possible.

On the other hand, if a player is betting and becomes antagonistic in the chat box, he may be bluffing and hoping his show of “confidence” will aid him in bluffing you off the table. Watch the chat box also for players who are “steaming” or “on tilt.” A whining player or one who is using lots of abusive language is probably emotionally unable to play good poker until he or she calms down.

Waiting for the Big Blind

When you sit down at a Hold 'em table, many times you'll have the option of “waiting on the big blind“to get to you or you can post a matching big blind and start playing immediately. This a good tell on how patient and online player will be. If he is not patient enough to wait on the big blind to get around to him, he might not be very patient about waiting on good starting hands. Expect him to be a loose player. The opposite holds true for players who do wait on the big blind. Either they are patient or cheap. Both are pretty good qualities to have if you are playing online poker. Cheap players, even when they are not especially skilled will tend to wait on better hands since they are loathe to throw away their bets!

Beginner's Tells

Some of the tells that we should note here, are almost hilarious in nature, but players see it all the time in low limit poker.

The first one that comes to mind is the common “bet with a weak hand, feign weakness with a strong hand.” If you are playing Hold ‘em with pocket aces, don’t slow play them. This author has seen so many players with pocket aces feign weakness only to see an opponent’s straight or trips made on the flop, turn, or river to beat them. This may seem elementary. It definitely is, but it’s seen all the time from beginners in online poker.

Another comical beginner tell is when a player always waits one card after he has paired before making a bet. A player will be dealt a King on the flop and checks it. The turn is a deuce and now he’s betting like a madman. Would he be betting on a pair of 2's? Of course not, but you can be pretty sure he paired the Kings on the flop. Bet it if you’ve got it.

You will see many of these types of situations in your online poker career. Make an effort to observe them in other players, while avoiding them yourself.

Friday, March 23, 2012

How to Properly Ship any Fragile Item

Let's face it, we've all shipped a fragile item and had it break during shipping. There are many items that I would consider fragile, it definitely doesn't pertain to glassware alone! In this guide I'd like to share with my fellow eBayers the finer points of Packing & Shipping I have learned over the course of my adventures. Don't be fooled, I'm not just going to teach you how to double box a Fenton vase. These are techniques I have developed over years that function very well and can be applied to just about any item you are packing for shipping. There may be information in here for even experienced eBay sellers. Not only will I show you how to properly package an item, but even how to save money on both materials and by reducing package weight!

Let's start right off with general rules:
1.) Always, ALWAYS, weigh your item before listing. Check the Shipping Options available. Remember to take into account exactly how fragile an item is. A plastic toy doesn't need much packing while a crystal cup set will require more. I usually add 1-2 pounds to the Item Weight if it is somewhat fragile, and up to 3-4 pounds if it is VERY fragile (Porcelain, thin glass, etc) Also factor in Item Weight. A 1 pound fragile item will require less packing than one that weighs 10 pounds.

2.) Choose a box that most closely fits the dimensions of the item. You want there to be some room, but not too much, or you will be filling that in with packing and wasting money on Shipping Rate.

3.) Never put tape on the item itself, you may destroy the finish, paint job, or devalue the item in some other way!

4.) Don't just toss two fragile items together and wrap them in bubblewrap, you need to pad in between them, above them, to the sides. Every direction should have some sort of padding or shock absorber to prevent breaking. The USPS does a great job 99% of the time, but sometimes they really toss a package around. You have to plan for the worst, ESPECIALLY if the item does not have Insurance. If it breaks, that money is coming out of your wallet.

5.) Don't get caught up stuffing sheet after sheet of paper or other material into the box to fill it up. This works great as long as the density isn't too high (as you obviously want the padding to absorb shockwaves, not resist them) but you will often times end up paying well over your limit for Shipping Rate. There are methods you can use to safely secure the item you're shipping without going crazy on packing materials. I'll explain these later.

6.) When in doubt DOUBLE BOX IT. A few extra dollars in Shipping Rate is worth it to protect fragile glassware or delicate antiques.

7.) Delicate glass must be handled with extreme care. In one instance I shipped a 30 pound antique Hobnail Milkglass lamp. The lamp shades were made of glass as well as inner sleeves of an even thinner glass. I took the time to put a core of cardboard right through the middle and add bundles of padding to the top and bottom where the cardboard stuck through, essentially creating a skeleton that I added a little padding to the middle and wrapped in bubble wrap. The buyer was very happy when it came in the mail intact.

8.) For any item that can be damaged by water and moisture, make SURE to tape and seal all edges of the final box. Especially for electronics.

9.) Use your tools! Sturdy Scissors, $1.00 Discount Packing Tape (I use Duck Packaging Tape), a Tape Measure, and most importantly - attention to detail - Use common sense when packing a fragile item.

10.) If you use a box that has been previously shipped or has artwork on the outside but you want it to stand up to the standard white or brown... don't pay for the paper at the store! Ask for paper bags and cut them up to wrap your boxes with.

Okay, so you've read the Do's and Dont's of Packing Fragile Items. You've sold your item, (let's say) in this case it's a pair of porcelain doves. It's not too heavy, and not too fragile. You can throw down $5-10 right now and toss in some packing peanuts and bubblewrap the pair and call it a day. But what if you want to do it without spending a dime on Packing Materials? Let's talk about recycling!

Consider your packing materials. You can spend $3.40 a box and fortunes on peanuts and padded envelopes or you can use 100% Recycled Materials and become a part of the eBay Green Team! If you are looking for boxes, head to your local Wal-Mart or Superstore around Midnight. This is when night stockers are busy putting merchandise on the shelves. They often have shopping carts near them full of boxes or laying in the aisle. You can take these for free, they won't bat an eyelash and you are helping save the environment by recycling. As for packing material, there's no reason you can't buy $6.00 in Packing Peanuts if you absolutely need it for a delicate item, however, my personal favorite is to use plastic shopping bags, the plastic casing around bottled water packs, and even fliers from my mailbox!

Newspaper is always a good choice, but I find that it is typically heavier than the materials previously mentioned.


So here's your pair of doves:

Quite nice, aren't they? Perfect for a mantle or shelf. Okay, let's get down to the nitty gritty. Notice how the tails flare out dramatically. It's not only great for art but it also makes this a delicate item. If you simply wrapped bubble wrap around them - sure you will protect it from surface to surface chipping, but one or even both of the doves may have their tails snapped off. The first thing you want to do in a situation like this is FILL IN THE BLANKS. Add some padding to the negative spaces so the surface is more uniform.

Like so:


I used fliers that come with newspaper for two reasons. For one, it's cheap or even free. Two, newspaper tends to "rub off." These fliers you will notice have a glossy cover which makes them perfect for the job. Now that you've filled in the blanks you will want to make a boundary layer to distribute any shocks into the padding.

Boundary Layer:

This is going to be your redundant fail safe. If the outer box takes a serious hit, this will still protect your item from being damaged. Now that we have a nice bundle let's find an appropriately sized box. The bundle is around 5" x 4" so I chose a box that is 9" x 10".

The Box:

I'd like to talk about a little technique I developed to save on Shipping Rate (which buyers appreciate!) and has served me quite well. Obviously our little bundle isn't going to fit perfectly, and such is the case when you are using recycled boxes. It's not all the time that it's a perfect fit, so the obvious choice would be to stuff a ton of padding down in the bottom. Functional, but not very cost efficient. Let me introduce you to what I call "fillers."

Filler in the box:

Filler up-close:

It's basically a section of cardboard cut up and wrapped in such a way that it has shock absorbent qualities. I stuff a little more padding in the center to prevent it from collapsing. Now we don't have to put padding in the corners of the bottom, as the filler supports the bundle structurally from within. These can range from what you see in the photos to some more intricate tubing custom fitted for a secure fit. Use your best judgment when determining what kind of filler an item will need.... I definitely DO NOT recommend using a filler for a heavy item (20+ pounds) and anything reaching 10 pounds needs to have a very secure filler with good tape work.

Okay, let's put the bundle in and add a little more padding to the top!

Bundle in box:

It's still looking a little thin, so I'm going to add 3 or 4 more sheets of padding to the mid-section.

Extra padding:

We're almost there, the item is secured safely in the middle but the padding doesn't come up to meet the top of the box, and we don't want all that padding to get sloshed around and become dislodged. Time for another filler!

Final adjustment (1.2 Lbs):

Alright, if you did it right the flaps of the box should rest on top of the filler, completing a solid structure within the box from top to bottom with the item wrapped safely in a pillow in the middle. When taped up you should be able to shake the box in any direction without hearing ANY "thump" noises. If you do, it indicates that something has come loose or you need to add a little extra packing to the middle. Don't be afraid to use a little tape inside the box if you need to secure a filler or keep packing together.

For the purpose of demonstration I used a box that could have been a bit shorter, 8" Inches would have been better than 10" Inches tall. You can certainly save money on Shipping Rates by using a box that fits as close as possible, preventing the need for mounds of padding. The Doves Package could have easily weighed at just 1 Pound had I used a better fitting box, keeping Shipping Rates at a neat $5.85 or less.

Hopefully by the end of this guide you've learned a little something about the finer points of packing items for shipping, and most importantly, fragile items. You can save money and Shipping Rates by using Recycled Materials and cutting down on padding inside a package by applying these techniques correctly. It takes a bit more perseverance than buying your materials right off the shelf, but the result is well worth it! I know that inside the box is not the most beautiful job... ideally the buyer would like to see a waterfall of peanuts and clean crisp packaging. You can certainly spend the money on more expensive items, but my methods work just the same and are absolutely great for a budget.

I may write more guides showing how to pack specific kinds of items, or even something completely different. If you have any questions feel free to send me a message and I'll be happy to help you figure it out. Thanks for reading!

How to alter any pattern to your measurements

As an experienced seamstress and dressmaker, I have learned to alter any commercial pattern as well as self drafted patterns using the method below. Have a friend help you take your measurements, as described below. Armed with measurements it usually takes less than a half an hour to complete the process!
Happy Sewing!
Have someone help you take the following measurements:
Bust.... Around the chest, across the bust points, parallel to the floor.
Natural waist.... Measure around the waist parallel to the floor.
Hip circumference ....Around the hip at its fullest point. If the circumference around the thighs is larger than around the hip, then use the larger measurement Back shoulder width....
From shoulder point to shoulder point across the back of the body, this typically will be approx 2”-5” longer than the front shoulder width. Front shoulder width....
From shoulder point to shoulder point across the front of the body, This typically should be approx 2”-5” smaller than the back shoulder width.
Center front length....Waistline should be marked parallel to the floor. Measure from the base of the neck at the “wishbone” to the waist. Typically this measurement should be 1.5” shorter than the center back length.
Center back length....Waistline should be marked parallel to the floor. Measure from the protruding bone at the back of the neck, to the waistline. Typically this measurement should be approx 1.5” longer than the center front length.
Shoulder length....From the base of the neck at the center of the neck (side view) to the shoulder point. Average shoulder length is 5” + or - .25”.
If there is a specific measurement change that you make regularly, and it is not in the above list, be sure to add it in as well.

Most of the alterations will be done to the bodice front and back pieces, or skirt front and back pieces. Adjustments may be required to some of the other minor pieces, such as a lapel facing, or collar, which would probably be in length only. Remember to measure the pattern piece from stitching line to stitching line, do not include seam allowances. If your pattern does not have seam allowances, it will make the process easier, and you can add the seam allowance before cutting. However if your pattern includes seam allowances that are not marked, its best to draw them in 5/8” from the solid outer lines of the pattern.
Starting at the shoulder area, working your way down, begin comparing your measurements to the pattern piece. For instance, if your back shoulder width is 14” divide that by two (because the back pattern piece is only half the finished garment) = 7”, if your pattern piece measures 6” , then you need to add 1” . Measure ½” from the stitching line and mark it. We add only half the required amount to the pattern piece, because we are working with only half the finished garment in pattern form.
Move to the bust measurement and compare in the same manner. Next the waist, and then hip area. When comparing waist and hip measurements you will divide these measurements by 4 instead of 2. For instance, if your waist measurement is 34” and your front and back pattern pieces measure a total of 32”, you will need to add two inches to the waist to make it fit. We want to add this two inches evenly around the garment by dividing it by four and adding, in this case, ½” to each of the side seams of the front and the back pieces.
Redraft the lines of the pattern corresponding to the adjustment marks you just made at the shoulder, bust, waist and hip lines, in the same shape as the original pattern piece. Next check your center back/center front length to make sure the waistline of the garment will be in the right place.
There’s nothing worse than sewing up a sheath or a jacket and finding your waistline isn’t where your waist is. If you have excess fabric creating wrinkles and puckers between the neckline and waist , your waistline is too long. Meaning the curvy part of the waist, (which is usually the narrowest part of a fitted or tailored garment, thereby hugging the waist,) is sitting at your high hip or hip line instead of the waist. To make the adjustment on your pattern, compare your center back and/or center front lengths to the pattern pieces and fold out any excess.
Of course it is highly recommended that you sew a muslin, once your pattern adjustments are complete. With your muslin you will be able to fine tune the fit, and check for proper placement of darts, prior to cutting your precious fashion fabric.

The Lion - Animal Totems

This is a very "regal" animal totem to carry and call your own. I have seen such Totem especially recently around a special person and this animal is one not to be ignored. The lion calls out the law! This majestic creature tend to bring justice not only through out its land and territory but in the lives of its gifted people. Those carrying such totem are surrounded by power, righteousness and pride. Those in need of protection , or a desired outcome for true justice may find it in the Lion.

Meditate with the Lion

(This is a very intimate and yes very strong bonding meditation that you may use when trying to communicate with the Lion Totem.)

Sit in front of a mirror and turn on a bright yellow candle. Call out to your guides and focus on the lion animal totem. Visualize or Imagine its beautiful blond and brown mane. Now with a brush that is only yours..brush your hair... any way you like of course..wild..preppy.. nice..neat.. doesn't matter which way you decide to brush it, infact your individual and unique decision on how will tell you more about your animal totem. See yourself brushing your hair and visualizing the Lion within you. Speak to the lion, tell him or her how they may help you. How you wish it to be part of your life and your judgement. Allow its spirit to connect with yours as long as your feel it. Once you are done, thank the Lion spirit and repeat this exercise daily.. to seal your pact.

BTY Batteries from Hong Kong sellers, BEWARE

I purchased some BTY AAA batteries from a seller in Hong Kong. The batteries state they are AAA, 1000 mAh. In reality, after charging and discharging many times, the best charge I could achieve is 150 mAh. This kind of energy gets you very little runtime in most electronics. You couldn't even run a LED light for more than a few hours.

Even the weight of the batteries is very obvious that these are inferior batteries. A Sanyo Eneloop AAA is 13g, while this is only 6g. Assume that the casing is 2g for the battery, which leaves only 4g of "battery" inside. The Eneloop has 11g of stuff for 850mAh, so it proportions out just about right why these hold so little charge.

Buyer beware, low price, big headache. Lesson learned.