-Default Password: 0000 (4 zeros)
-If you sent an incorrect command, you will receive the reply "ERROR"
-Common mistakes are leaving out one of the command symbols such as the asterisk " * " or the pound sign " # "
-SMS messages from the GPS Tracker take about 5-10 seconds on average
1. Guardian Phone Setup
The first step is to setup the mobile phone that will be controlling the GPS tracker . From your phone, send the following command to the Tracker's phone number:
0000= Default 4 digit password (you can change this later)
+1= Your country code (+1 is the code in the United States)
XXXXXXXXXX= The number of the phone controlling the Tracker, including the area code
Example: If your mobile phone number is (408)123-4567 and we are using the default password "0000", the command would be:
If the command was successful, you will receive the reply:
Phone Guardian=OK
2. Password Change
To create a new password, send the command:
0000= Old default password
BBBB= New password
If the password change was successful, you will receive the reply:
Note: For the rest of the tutorial, we'll be using the default password as an example
3. Date and Time Setup
To setup the current date and time, send the command:
0000= Current Password
YYYY= Year
MM= Month
DD= The day
hh= Hour
mm= Minute
ss= Seconds
Example: To set the date as 12/16/2011 at 12:37 PM and 30 seconds, send the command:
If the date and time were set successfully, you will receive a reply with the current date and time.
Now that that's out of the way, let's get on to the fun stuff!
4. Request GPS location
To request the GPS tracker's current position, send the command:
You will receive a reply with the following data:
Lat: Current Latitude
Lon: Current Longitude
Date: Current Date
Time: Current Time
URL link to Google Maps to display the location
Note: If no GPS signal is available, the tracker will send the latest GPS coordinates and information on the location from the GSM mobile network. With the supplied tracing software, you can determine the position from the mobile network.
5. Enable Tracking
The tracking function allows you to set the time interval that you want the GPS tracker to send you its position. Send the command:
y= the time in minutes between the two locations. For example, if you enter 10, the tracker will send you its position every 10 minutes.
If successfully enabled, you will receive the reply:
6. Disable Tracking
To turn off the automatic tracking, send the command:
If successfully disabled, you will receive the reply:
7. Enable Geo-fencing
Geo-fencing is a feature that allows you to set a radius or fence for the GPS tracker. Once the tracker leaves the set radius, it will send you an SMS notification. To enable Geo-fencing, send the command:
x= radius in kilometers before the tracker notifies you
y= number of minutes that pass until the tracker rechecks the position
Note: you can also specify the radius in increments of 100 meters through a point between decimals (example: 1.3 = 1300 meters)
Example: You want to be informed as soon as your dog moves from than 500 meters from your property and you want it to check every 30 minutes. You would send the command:
If successful, it will send you a reply with your set radius and interval, along with the current location, date and time. When the tracker re-enters the defined, radius, you will not receive a notification. However, you will receive a notification when the tracker leaves the radius again.
8. Disable Geo-fencing
To disable Geo-fencing, send the command:
If successful, you will receive the reply:
9. Sleep Mode
Enable Sleep Mode
Sleep mode enables the GPS tracker to turn off the GPS and GSM to preserve battery life. You can still send commands to the tracker, but it will not read the command until the tracker is activated again. To enable Sleep Mode, send the command:
y= Interval in hours after the tracker is activated again
If successfully enabled, you will receive the reply:
Wake up = y hours
Disable Sleep Mode
To disable sleep mode, send the command:
If successfully disabled, you will receive the reply:
Sleep mode = off
10. GPS Signal Check
To check if the tracker is currently receiving a GPS signal, send the command:
If there is currently GPS signal available, you will receive the reply:
11. Retrieve Current Status
You can view the current status of the tracker to get information about the battery life, geo-fencing, tracking, sleep mode and guardian phone. To check the status, send the command:
Note: The status check is available from any phone, not just from the Guardian Phone
12. Setup Emergency Contact Numbers
Before an emergency message can be sent, you must set up to 3 emergency contact numbers which will be sent an emergency message when the SOS button is pressed.
To set the contact numbers, send the command:
XXX, YYY and ZZZ refer to the numbers of the emergency contacts. If you do not enter a number in a particular slot, it will leave the slot open or delete the number that was previously saved in that slot.
Example: Let's say you want to save 408-123-4567 and 408-765-4321 as emergency contacts and you leave the 3rd slot open. The command would be:
In this screenshot, I only added one emergency number and left the last 2 spots empty. Note the two # signs for those slots
13. Using the Emergency SOS Button
To report an emergency, hold down the SOS button for several seconds until the LED turns bright white. A text message with the current position, date, time and SOS message will immediately be sent to the registered contacts.
Here is the Bright white LED, indicating that an SOS message has been confirmed
14. Call Back Feature
In an emergency, the Guardian Phone can send a command code to the Tracker, which would enable it to automatically call the Guardian Phone and communicate through the tracker's speaker and microphone. The command for initiating callback is:
Here is the call being made from the GPS tracker